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Rehamnnia Glutinosa

Sheng Di huang

Rehamnnia Glutinosa


Personal Note:Β This is the most Yin of all our herbs. Traditionally used in TCM, Rehmannia is becoming increasingly common in Western formulas for it’s ability to support and rebuild in convalescence. I like it especially post-delivery, or following a significant illness.


Sheng Di huang is mainly found in Mongolia as well as northeast China. This dried slightly sweet tasting herb is used in traditional Chinese medicine to β€˜clear heat and cool blood’ as well as β€˜nourish yin’.

Common Medical Uses

  • Fever
  • Dry mouth
  • Nosebleeds
  • Internal bleeding
  • Rheumatism
  • Constipation

How To Consume

  • Decoction
  • Tincture

Works well with – Rehmannia is so yin in nature that it must always be paired with other herbs to balance. Usually it’s used with herbs like Codonopsis, Canadian Ginseng, and Licorice root.

NOTE: Always use the cooked root.