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Autoimmune Conditions

There are many types of autoimmune conditions. Some are easier to treat than others, but they all share a common feature. That is, the immune system is triggered to target specific cells and damages them. For instance, in psoriasis, the skin cells get damaged. Whereas in rheumatoid arthritis, the joints and cartilage get damaged. Inflammation is often involved.

There are 2 ways to treat an autoimmune condition. Moderate the immune system or suppress it. The key to the severity and treatability of a condition is the degree to which the immune system has targeted its attack. Primary herbs to consider include alteratives, immune-modulators, and anti-inflammatories. Secondary herbs to consider may surprise you: immune stimulants.

Alteratives will always possess some anti-inflammatory action, but by facilitating the elimination of toxins (which also act as immune triggers), they help directly to reduce inflammation. Immune modulators should be considered as they can moderate the response of the immune system. Mushrooms are a good example, as they down-regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines. Immune stimulants should be used with caution, but some include Astragalus, Cordyceps, and Ginseng.

Here is an example of a formula that could be considered:

Red clover 20mL

Wild yam 20mL

Yellow dock 20mL

Reishi 20mL

Bupleurum 20mL

The suggested dose is taking 15-30mL per day in a cup of warm water once per day.

As always, ensure your care is properly managed.