Trusted by 12,000+ Customers

Trusted by 12,000+ Customers

The SIBO Tincture - Supporting Your Gut Health Naturally

This carefully crafted blend focuses on easing the symptoms associated with SIBO and other digestive imbalances gently and effectively. It’s designed to gently support your gut, helping to restore its natural balance and vitality.


Over 10,000+ of our tinctures sold

Are You Burdened By Bloat?

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where bacteria typically found in the large intestine migrate to the small intestine.

This bacterial overgrowth might make you feel bloated after meals, or your bathroom habits might be unpredictable.

Some foods that you used to enjoy might now seem like enemies. You might even feel tired or foggy-headed.

There are many approaches people try when dealing with SIBO:

Most of these treatments only address symptoms, acting as temporary band-aids…

The SIBO Tincture Goes Deeper

Our SIBO Tincture offers a gentle, herbal approach to supporting gut health.

We’ve combined traditionally used herbs known for their potential digestive benefits:


Contains berberine, a compound studied for its effects on gut bacteria and intestinal health.


Rich in thymol and carvacrol, which have been researched for their ability to support a balanced microbiome.


This ancient resin is like a soothing balm. It supports your gut’s natural protective barriers.

Together, these herbs create a simple yet powerful blend to support your digestive well-being.

What People Are Saying

Jake's Story​
Jake's Story

The SIBO Tincture was the only thing that worked for my SIBO. After months of discomfort, I finally found relief. This blend is truly powerful!

Lena's Journey
Lena's Journey

I struggled with digestive infections for years. The SIBO Tincture cleared it up within weeks. It’s now a staple in my health routine.

Michael's Experience
Michael's Experience

After trying countless remedies, The SIBO Tincture was a game-changer. My gut health has never been better!

As You Start Using Our Tincture, You Might Notice Some Changes…

Day 1-3: The Arrival:

As soon as you take your first dose, the potent blend of Goldenseal, Thyme, and Myrrh enters your digestive system.

Day 3-5: Breaking Down Defenses:

Goldenseal’s berberine compounds disrupt bacterial cell walls, while Thyme’s thymol and carvacrol break down protective biofilms, exposing hidden bacteria.

Day 5-7: Elimination and Prevention:

As harmful bacteria are destroyed, Myrrh’s antimicrobial properties help prevent regrowth. The blend also supports your gut’s natural mucus layer, strengthening its defense against future invasions.

Day 7-9: The Healing Touch:

As the harmful bacteria are being dealt with, Myrrh gets to work. Its anti-inflammatory properties help repair the damage done to your gut lining. It soothes irritated tissues and supports the healing process, helping to restore comfort and normal function.

Day 9 and Beyond: The Rebalancing Act:

As days go by, you start to notice changes. The bloating may begin to subside as the harmful bacteria are reduced. Your bowel movements may become more regular as your gut environment rebalances.

Ongoing Protection:

In about 3 weeks The SIBO Tincture helps in creating an environment that’s inhospitable to future invaders.

Remember, everyone's gut is unique, so the exact timeline can vary.

Some people feel relief within the first week, while for others it might take three weeks to notice significant changes.

By understanding this process, you can appreciate why it’s important to stick with the recommended dosage and duration.

You’re not just masking symptoms; you’re supporting a complete restoration of your gut health.

With The SIBO Tincture you’re giving your gut the best chance to return to its healthy, balanced state.

Nature's Wisdom, Backed by Science

While our ancestors knew these herbs were special, modern research is catching up.

Studies have shown how goldenseal, thyme, and myrrh can support gut health in various ways.

It’s exciting to see science confirming what tradition has long known.

At Herbal Clinic, we’re here to support your wellness journey.

Our SIBO Tincture is made with care, using quality ingredients. We hope it becomes a helpful companion in your quest for digestive harmony.

Remember, wellness is about more than just one thing. It’s about nourishing food, restful sleep, joyful movement, and meaningful connections.

If your gut needs some extra TLC, listen to your body and reach out to healthcare providers who resonate with your approach to health.

By choosing our SIBO Tincture, you’re taking a gentle, natural step towards supporting your inner ecosystem.

We’re here to cheer you on, answer your questions, and celebrate every little victory on your path to feeling your best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Imagine you could shrink the best parts of herbs down into a super-concentrated liquid that’s ready to go whenever you are—that’s a tincture. Made by steeping herbs in alcohol, tinctures draw out the potent compounds that make herbs special, giving you all the benefits in a few easy-to-use drops.

Tinctures are amazing for several reasons:

  • Super Strength: They’re concentrated, so even a small bottle lasts a long time.
  • Fast Acting: Liquid form means your body absorbs them quickly.
  • Mega Convenient: A few drops under the tongue or in a glass of water and you’re good to go.
  • Everlasting: Well, almost. The alcohol keeps them potent and fresh for ages.

The SIBO Tincture works by combining the antimicrobial properties of Goldenseal, Thyme, and Myrrh. These ingredients target harmful bacteria and pathogens in your gut, clearing infections and restoring balance. Our tincture is made from high-quality, organic ingredients to ensure you get the full benefits.

It’s simple! Shake the bottle well, then use the dropper to measure your dose. You can add it to water, tea, or take it directly under your tongue. Start with a small amount and adjust based on your needs and the guidance of a healthcare professional.

While The SIBO Tincture is formulated to target the bacterial overgrowth associated with SIBO, its blend of herbs like Thyme and Myrrh can also alleviate common digestive issues such as bloating and discomfort. If these symptoms persist, we recommend consulting a healthcare provider for a potential SIBO diagnosis.

The SIBO Tincture may help. It works to balance gut flora and reduce fermentation that can cause bloating, especially after consuming trigger foods. However, incorporating dietary adjustments alongside the tincture may provide the best relief.

The SIBO Tincture targets the general bacterial overgrowth associated with SIBO and can be beneficial for both types of the condition. The broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects may reduce levels of both hydrogen and methane-producing bacteria.

The SIBO Tincture may be a valuable addition to your treatment regimen by targeting the bacterial overgrowth often associated with IBS-related SIBO. Many patients find that addressing SIBO can lead to relief of their IBS symptoms.

The earthy taste and smell come from the high concentration of active compounds in Goldenseal, Thyme, and Myrrh. These compounds are what make the tincture so effective. If the taste is too intense, try mixing it with juice or water.

Alcohol is usually the go-to solvent because it’s so good at pulling out all the great stuff from the herbs. Plus, it acts like a preservative so your tincture will stay good for ages! The alcohol used in our tinctures is derived from Canadian corn and is produced in a gluten-free facility. Although our alcohol does not contain gluten, it is not certified gluten-free.

The SIBO Tincture stands out because it uses only pure, high-quality ingredients, ensuring a potent and effective product. It’s crafted with care to preserve the active compounds, providing a reliable remedy for SIBO and digestive infections. Plus, it’s made with sustainability in mind, using environmentally conscious practices.

Yes, The SIBO Tincture is safe for daily use when taken as directed. It’s a non-addictive, natural solution to maintaining gut health. Consult your health practitioner for use longer than 3 weeks.

The SIBO Tincture is generally well-tolerated, but some people may experience mild digestive upset when they first start using it. If you have any concerns or experience adverse effects, please consult with your healthcare provider.

While The SIBO Tincture is natural, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional if you are taking other medications to ensure there are no interactions specific to your circumstances.

Yes, but with a caveat: while The SIBO Tincture can be used alongside other supplements, it’s important to coordinate your treatment plan with a healthcare professional, especially to avoid any counteractive effects when using probiotics, as some strains might exacerbate SIBO symptoms. What most people would do is separate taking the SIBO Tincture and probiotics so they’re not taken at the same time.

Absolutely! Sediment in your tincture means you’re getting all the herbal goodness, including those not completely dissolved in the liquid. Just give your bottle a shake before use to mix it back in.

If you don’t notice any improvements after a few weeks of consistent use, it may be helpful to re-evaluate your diagnosis and treatment strategy with your healthcare provider. Sometimes, additional interventions or testing may be necessary. You could also try modifying your dose, sometimes a higher dose is necessary depending on the circumstances.

Some people might experience changes in their digestive patterns as their body adjusts to the tincture. This is generally temporary. However, if you experience significant discomfort or adverse effects, it’s important to stop use and consult your healthcare provider.

The tincture’s ingredients, such as Thyme and Myrrh, have properties that help reduce bloating and gas, which are common symptoms of SIBO.

Store the tincture in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its potency and shelf life. Ensure the cap is sealed after each use.

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